The Same Government
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 12 years ago, in 2013, on the World Wide Web.
In the middle of the last decade, political scientist Marc Hetherington wrote about the declining public trust in government. . . . And such [media] portrayals contribute to a remarkable problem: not ideological hostility to government . . . but diminished expectations—in the public and in the press—about what government can accomplish. . . .
–Greg Marx, How the Press Erodes Our Belief [sic] in Government in The Nation (April 9, 2012)
. . . The same government that accomplished the killing of over 180,000 people in Iraq, in the pursuit of a transparent lie and an ever-shifting set of the flimsiest possible rationalizations?
. . . The same government that accomplished the ongoing, decade-long state of perpetual siege in Baghdad?
. . . The same government that accomplished the displacement of 3,000,000 war refugees?
To-day is the tenth anniversary of the U.S. government’s invasion of Iraq. It’s a day when, even more than most days, the same government?
should be the question immediately asked by anyone who has an ounce of respect for peace, compassion, human life or human decency. There is nothing that should turn you against government as much as simply watching what it can accomplish
when it is let loose.
Hear, hear!
Exactly. If only the worst thing you could say about government is that it’s inefficient or ineffectual, and would that it were far, far more so.