Right-wing Moral Clarity
All you Fifth Column Leftists and pantywaist liberals fess up. You thought that all this sabre-rattling against Iraq was just a cynical political maneuver by the Bush administration for an October surprise
to undermine Democratic prospects in the upcoming Congressional races, didn’t you? Well, you’re just going to have to give up your sorry little paranoid delusions. It turns out that political maneuvering is only a fringe benefit. Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH) has shone the light of good old conservative moral and strategic clarity
on why we need to bomb Baghdad as soon as possible:
MANCHESTER, N.H. — The United States should no longer buy oil from Iraq, but steal it, U.S. Sen. Bob Smith, R-Wolfeboro, told hundreds of New Hampshire Republicans gathered last night at a party fund-raiser.
Why don’t we just take his oil?Smith bellowed to the crowd during a fiery 13-minute speech, referring to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.Why buy it? Take it!
Thanks, Bob, for clearing that one up for us. The oppressed petrochemicals of Iraq must be liberated from Saddam Hussein’s iron fist as soon as possible.