Here’s a notice I received a couple days ago from Amnesty International about a pair of fellow workers recently forced to go into hiding in Zimbabwe out of fear of violence at the hands of the police and the government intelligence agency:
Trade unionists Edward Dzeka and Joyce Muwoni have gone into
hiding, after threatening phone calls from the police, who
want them to come in for questioning about illegal
union activities. Edward Dzeka was arrested by the police in
September and reportedly tortured. Amnesty International
believes he and Joyce Muwoni would be at grave risk of
torture if arrested.
Edward Dzeka and Joyce Muwoni are local organizers for the
General Agriculture and Plantations Workers Union of
Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ) in the farming town of Chegutu. Edward
Dzeka is also the district chairperson of the Zimbabwe
Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU). They went into hiding on 3
April after receiving threatening telephone calls from
people who said they were officers of the Zimbabwe Republic
Police (ZRP) and Central Intelligence Organization (CIO).
The ZRP and CIO officers reportedly accused the trade
unionists of organizing workers in Chegutu town and on the
surrounding farms to take part in the national job stay
demonstration organized by the ZCTU on 3-4 April.
ZRP and CIO officers called at the GAPWUZ offices on 4 April
asking where the two trade unionists were, and later went to
look for Edward Dzeka at his home in Chegutu.
Some of the ZRP and CIO officers allegedly threatening
Edward Dzeka and Joyce Muwoni are known to the trade
unionists. They are believed to be targeting trade union
leaders following the national job stay away
Edward Dzeka had been arrested with 10 other trade unionists
on 13 September 2006 for organizing peaceful protests for
the ZCTU. The 11 trade unionists were reportedly tortured by
ZRP officers at Chegutu police station. They have been
charged under the Public Order and Security Act (POSA) and
freed on bail.
Amnesty International understands that Edward Dzeka and
Joyce Muwoni are being threatened solely for exercising
their rights to freedom of association and assembly by
organizing a peaceful demonstration as part of their work
for GAPWUZ and the ZCTU. The rights to freedom of
association and assembly are guaranteed under Section 21 of
Zimbabwe’s Constitution, Articles 10 and 11 of the African
Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and Article 22 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to
which Zimbabwe is a state party.
Trade unionists in Zimbabwe operate in the face of severe
repression. They cannot freely organize peaceful protests
and risk being arrested and tortured by the ZRP and CIO.
On 13 March ZCTU officers Gilbert Marembo and Michael
Kandukuti were assaulted by ZRP officers who had arrived at
the ZCTU offices with a search warrant allowing them to
seize all subversive material
found on the premises. The
officers were from the Law and Order Section of the Criminal
Investigations department based at Harare Central police
station. The assault was witnessed by lawyers from Zimbabwe
Lawyers for Human Rights. Police later seized fliers on the
planned job stay away
On 13 September 2006 in Harare, ZCTU President Lovemore
Matombo, Secretary General Wellington Chibebe and First
Vice-President Lucia Matibenga were arrested while
attempting to engage in peaceful protest about deteriorating
social and economic conditions in Zimbabwe. Other ZCTU
members were arrested in Harare, Beitbridge, Bulawayo,
Mutare and other urban centers. The day before the protests,
in an apparent pre-emptive action, police also arrested a
number of ZCTU leaders at their homes and offices in Rusape,
Gweru, Chinhoyi and Kariba. (See UA 247/06, 14 September
2006, AFR 46/017/2006.)
Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible:
- calling on the police and CIO to guarantee the safety of Edward Dzeka, Joyce Muwoni and other trade unionists in Chegutu who are being threatened;
- urging the police and CIO to immediately investigate the threats reportedly made to the trade unionists by ZRP officers, and bring those responsible to justice;
- urging the police and the CIO to respect trade unionists’ rights to freedom of association and assembly, guaranteed under Section 21 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, articles 10 and 11 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Zimbabwe is a state party;
- reminding the police and the CIO that torture is prohibited under international law, as well as under Section 15 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, and that those accused of torture will be held accountable.
Provincial Commanding Officer Mashonaland West Province
Zimbabwe Republic Police
P O Box 292,
Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
Fax: 011 263 6725370
Salutation: Dear Provincial Commanding Officer
Zimbabwe Police Commissioner
Police Commissioner Augustine Chihuri
Zimbabwe Republic Police
Police Headquarters
PO Box 8807
Harare, Zimbabwe
Fax: 011 263 4 253 212
Salutation: Dear Commissioner
General Agriculture and Plantations Workers’ Union
PO Box 1952
Harare, Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions
P.O. Box 3549
Harare, Zimbabwe
Ambassador Dr. Machivenyika T. Mapuranga
Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe
1608 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington DC 20009
Fax: 1 202 483 9326
Via website:
PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the AIUSA Urgent Action Office if sending appeals after 17 May 2007.
Here’s the letter that I sent to the local police commander, with copies forwarded to the commissioner, the Zimbabwean Embassy, and to GAPWUZ and ZCTU.
Provincial Commanding Officer Mashonaland West Province
Zimbabwe Republic Police
P O Box 292,
Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
Dear Provincial Commanding Officer:
I am writing to you today as a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, living and working in the
United States. I am worried because I heard today that two of my fellow workers, Edward Dzeka and Joyce
Muwoni, have gone into hiding after receiving threatening phone calls from people claiming to be officers of
the Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Central Intelligence Organization. These calls reportedly threatened
Dzeka and Muwoni in retaliation for organizing workers in Chegutu and on the surrounding farms. It is my
understanding that Dzeka and Muwoni are being targeted and threatened by local authorities solely for
organizing a peaceful demonstration as part of their work for the General Agriculture and Plantations
Workers Union of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions.
Dzeka and Muwoni’s peaceful organizing work is an exercise of their inalienable human right to freedom of
aassociation and freedom of political assembly, as recognized and protected under Section 21 of the
Constitution of Zimbabwe, as well as articles 10 and 11 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’
Rights, and article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. I urge you to protect the
rights of my fellow workers in Zimbabwe–and to live up to Zimbabwe’s constitutional and international
treaty obligations–by guaranteeing the safety of Edward Dzeka, Joyce Muwoni, and any other trade
unionists in Chegutu subject to similar threats. I also urge the police and CIO to immediately investigate
the reports of threats made against trade unionists by ZRP and CIO officers, and bring to justice any
officers responsible for making these threats against peaceful union organizers.
My fellow unionists and I are following situation in Zimbabwe with grave concern, sir. They and I would
appreciate a reply from you as soon as possible. In view of the above information, we urge you to
investigate this situation and act as quickly as possible to assure the safety of trade unionists from threats
or violence. Thank you for looking in advance for your time and, I hope, your prompt action in this urgent
Charles W. Johnson
Member, Industrial Workers of the World IU 640
You can help by writing your own appeal in support of Dzeka and Muwoni. If it helps, you should feel free to rip off my own letter as shamelessly as you like.