Utah Pornography Ombudsman Harassed with Press Gossip about Sex Life
Here's a pretty old legacy post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 24 years ago, in 2001, on the World Wide Web.
I was rather surprised to see a relatively fair presentation of Utah’s new ombudsman for obscenity and pornography complaints in a Salon article from the Sex section, Mormon is nation’s first porn czar.
I was unsurprised, if a bit disturbed, to find that Ms. Houston has been harassed with press gossip about her sex life:
Since taking the job, reporters have asked Houston about her own sex life, and the state’s largest newspaper, The Salt Lake Tribune, reported that she was a virgin.
However, kudos to her for standing up against it: Houston, who has never married, denies answering the question and says her sexual experience is irrelevant.