Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

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  1. Jane

    Adopting Alexandria:

    I was searching the internet for those pay me a dollar site the other night looking to get some fun and free entertainment when I came across Adopting Alexandria at http://www.sevensisters.ca. She appeared to be a genuine person free of selfish motives and her desire for justice through education where honourable so after some more research on the net I found all of what she said to be true. Since she has given her full name, which tells me she is not embarrassed to be who she is or doing what she is doing so I Adopted her and donated to her cause. I have to have respect for someone who puts their name and face out for a good cause. After all there are no strangers in the world only lots of people we haven’t met yet. So why should we get so tied up when they ask for a dollar or two.

    Here is the short version of her site.”

    In 1998 Alexandria Nicole was wrongfully arrested by American Police. She was beaten, striped naked and photographed in an effort to coerce a confession. Detained for another two year, one month and 17 days she now needs your help. Would you consider helping this woman out by viewing more information on the first page of her website. If you are interested please read more and provide what ever assistance you can offer.


Anticopyright. This was written in 2001 by Rad Geek. Feel free to reprint if you like it. This machine kills intellectual monopolists.