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Posts from March 2001

War Criminal Ariel Sharon Becomes Prime Minister

In international news, war criminal and genocidal maniac Ariel Sharon has been officially approved as Prime Minister of Israel. The New York Times notes that, In a speech to the Knesset, Sharon said his coalition would be ready for painful compromises toward peace with the Palestinians, but not under the pressure of violence and terror. Indeed, the pressure of violence and terror would be an excellent thing to remove from the process; for example, dug-in Israeli blockades around Palestinian ghettoes that prevent innocent civilians from receiving medical care. Not to mention continuing assassinations of Palestinian leaders and attacks on Palestinian children…

The most outrageous thing about the whole affair is, of course, that Sharon has succeeded in getting exactly what he aimed to: he started the current Intifadah with his incindiery visit to the al-Aqsa (accompanied by a crowd of heavily armed security troops) mosque at a time of high tension in the peace process. Why? In order to incite conflict and weaken Barak’s already-tenuous hold on office. Now, with hundreds of Palestinians slaughtered by Israeli military and riots by Jewish settlers, he has gotten his way. Congratulations Arik.

The Strange Case of Daniel Paul Schreber

UPS, bless their hearts, just delivered me the copy of Memoirs of My Nervous Illness that I ordered from bn.com. The book is a German Judge, Daniel Paul Schreber’s account of his own psychotic delusions while imprisoned in an asylum, and is one of the most celebrated cases of psychosis in the literature (through the memoirs, Schreber was analyzed by Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Jacques Lacan, Thomas Szasz, and many others). The book was also a major source of inspiration for Alex Proyas’s stunning movie Dark City (Kiefer Sutherland’s character is named Dr. Daniel Paul Schreber) and it will be very interesting to re-read the movie in light of Schreber’s madness. Sadly, there is very little on the web that takes any notice of this link, which is probably partly due to Proyas not having mentioned it in interviews. There is apparently an article in the Times Literary Supplement which explores the connection, but I’ve been unable to find anything more than some excerpts online. Sigh.

David Horowitz and Crazy Republican Radicals

This week’s award for most laugh-out-loud insane statement goes to Salon.com’s own David Horowitz for the following nugget of wisdom: The mission of the modern Republican Party is to give power back to the people, in Other people’s money [Salon]. Now, maybe it’s just me, but it seems like a party dedicated to corporate welfare, tax cuts for the ultra-rich, obliterating the past three decades of gains in women’s rights and queer rights, and imposing as sadistic a prison system as possible, is just a tad selective in the people that it is giving power back to.

This anecdote was the best, though:

I remember attending a charter meeting of Newt Gingrich’s GOPAC organization in Washington in 1995 to celebrate the Contract With America. Gingrich was on the podium saying that the contract was just the beginning; that devolving power to the states by ending federal mandates was just one step. Now, he said, we are going to devolve power back to the municipalities, and then to the communities and then to individuals. That is our plan. At this point, somebody in the audience stood up and shouted power to the people. Except for the dinner ties and the elegant setting, I could have sworn I was back in Berkeley in the ’60s again.

What compassion! What conservatism! What utter nonsense!

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