Little Earthquakes in Alabama
Here's a pretty old legacy post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 22 years ago, in 2003, on the World Wide Web.
So, we had a light earthquake in Alabama around 4:00am today. Yes, I felt it, and yes, it was because I was staring bleary-eyed at the screen trying to finish up a paper. It reminded me of some of the milder aftershocks we felt in California. (My first experience with an earthquake was, no joke, the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, 7.1 on the Richter scale. After that, we spent several months having mild aftershocks every few days or weeks.) Last night, I just felt a small shaking of my office chair that got a little stronger, then died away. It felt like an earthquake but you hardly expect this sort of thing in Alabama, so I wondered what it was until I checked the morning news. So take it from one who knows, Max…
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