Here's a pretty old legacy post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 20 years ago, in 2005, on the World Wide Web.
TONIGHT, on News of the Obvious:
International correspondents John Lopez and Donald Rumsfeld: U.S. Has No Exit Strategy for Iraq
International correspondents Anthony Gregory and Terry Jones: Bombing is bad for children’s health.
International correspondent Thaddeus: The US armed forces are facing a major crisis as commitments throughout the world continue to demand fresh recruits and, despite the fact that the army has lowered its standards, the number of people willing to enlist is falling fast.
In New York, Tom Tomorrow: Cops abuse their power and lie about it. Film at 11.
In Atlanta: Eric Rudolph is
not an anarchist
. But he is a a real asshole.Correspondent Trish Wilson: E-mails disclosed to News of the Obvious reveal that the
Father’s Rights
movement are weaselly apologists for male violence.Correspondent Michael Berubé: David Horowitz isn’t just a far-right ideologue. He’s also a sorry old fraud.
And in History of the Obvious a couple of days ago: Leninists kill people after claiming to be their “comrades”, and just because he’s the one who lost doesn’t mean that Leon Trotsky was any better.
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