In Their Own Words: Stokes Got A Constituency edition
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 17 years ago, in 2008, on the World Wide Web.
(Via This Modern World 2008-05-28.)
Master GOP strategist Karl Rove
on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, 18 May 2008:
ROVE: But look. The Republicans have got three things they need to do strategically and three things they need to do tactically.
Strategically, they better get their act together with an aggressive agenda of reform here at home about the things people are talking around the kitchen table.
What are the Republicans going to do about health care? What are they going to do about providing reliable and affordable energy? What are they going to do about jobs and keeping our economy innovative and competitive, encouraging exports? What are we going to do about helping people grapple with the cost of college education?
We’ve got great answers, Republicans do, on this, but they better get their act together in laying this out in a comprehensive way.

Menelaus Pappy
O’Daniel and his son, Junior O’Daniel, in O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000):
Pappy: Languishing! Languishing! Goddamn campaign is languishing! We need a shot in the arm! You hear me boys? In the goddamn arm! If the election held tomorrow, that goddamn Stokes would win it in a walk….
Junior: Well… he’s the re-form candidate, Daddy…
Pappy: Yeah?
Junior: Well, people like that re-form….
Hey! Maybe we should get us some!
Pappy: I’ll reform you, you soft-headed sonofabitch! How we gonna run reform when we’re the damn incumbent?
Charles, that was priceless!
Can’t we go back to the time when the Republicans were the party of -not- doing big, great things through government?
Oh wait, that was mythology, too…
+5 for farce value :)
Are they gonna kick it or paddle it? I think they’re going to paddle it.
I don’t believe that’s a proper description.
I believe it’s more of a … kickin’ sitiation.
Hey how about we get an even littler guy, and have him support us?