The CALL for Chicagoland Anarchy
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 17 years ago, in 2008, on the World Wide Web.
There will be a time when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you strangle today!
—Last words of August Spies (1887-11-11), Chicago anarchist, organizer, and Haymarket martyr
Via Bob Kaercher:
I and The One Who Is Called
Soviet Onionhave recently been discussing via e-mail the prospects for founding a Chicago area chapter of the Alliance of the Libertarian Left. I for one think it would be a tremendous achievement to establish an ALL chapter in a city rich in the history of American radical politics. CALL (Chicago Alliance of the Libertarian Left) strikes me as a particularly cool acronym.But we’re not just looking for like-minded left-libertarians in the Chicago metropolitan area. If you live anywhere in northern Illiniois, northwestern Indiana or southern Wisconsin, we’d love to hear from you.
What do I mean by “like-minded”? As Charles W. Johnson (of sums it up on the web site for the Southern Nevada Alliance of the Libertarian Left, we are looking for
[I]ndividualists, agorists, market anarchists, mutualists, voluntary socialists, and others on the libertarian left. We oppose statism, militarism, sexism, racism, and the prevailing state capitalism fraudulently labeled
the free market.We are for peace, individual freedom, truly freed markets, solidarity, voluntary cooperation, and mutual aid. We fight for liberation…using education, nonviolent direct action, and cooperative counter-institutions—not petitions, symbolic protests or electoral politics. We are working to build a new society within the shell of the old.If you’re interested and in the northern Illinois/southern Wisconsin/northwestern Indiana area, by all means drop me a line at the e-mail address to your right. Charles has already been kind enough to set up a web site domain for us. All we need now is a fancy new web site to park in it.
Once we can get some folks together electronically, we can then proceed to gather everyone physically at the most convenient location–perhaps a place we can grab a bite to eat, a drink, or at least a cup of coffee–and discuss how to proceed.
Agora! Anarchy! Action!
— Bob Kaercher, The Postmodern Tribune (2008-06-05): CALLing ALL Chicago Area Libertarian Lefties
Thank you for the nice prominent announcement, Charles. It’s much appreciated!
Thanks for helping to the spread the message, Charles. I can’t tell you how valuable your support and guidance has been to us.
On a related note, did you get a chance to speak to your friend in Portland?
Does anyone in the NJ area want to jump on the bandwagon and start an ALL chapter with me? My email is if you do.
Just as long as it’s clear that being for peace means being against coercion and statist wars. No pacifism for me.
I sent you an email with a suggested contact.