Rad Geek Speaks: Markets Not Capitalism in Austin, Texas (Feb. 4-5, 2012)
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 13 years ago, in 2012, on the World Wide Web.
I am happy to announce that Markets Not Capitalism is coming to Austin, Texas next weekend. I will be appearing at Brave New Books near the UT campus, and MonkeyWrench Books in North Austin, for a talk / reading / Q&A / market anarchist shindig on Saturday, February 4, and Sunday, February 5. Books will be available for purchase, I’ll be available for discussion and signing, caffeine will be available for consumption; spontaneously-ordered sociality to follow. Come on down; invite yr friends!
Markets Not Capitalism Book Talk/Signing
Charles Johnson (editor, contributor)
Markets Not Capitalism:
Individualist Anarchism Individualist Anarchism Against Bosses, Inequality, Corporate Power, and Structural Poverty
(Published by Minor Compositions/Autonomedia, November 2011).
Markets Not Capitalism @ Brave New Books:
Saturday, 4 February 2012. 6:00pm-9:00pm.
at Brave New Books underground bookstore
1904 Guadalupe Suite B (downstairs),
Austin, Texas 78705
More at the Facebook Event page
Markets Not Capitalism @ MonkeyWrench Books:
Sunday, 5 February 2012. 6:00pm-8:00pm.
at MonkeyWrench Books radical bookstore
110 E. North Loop,
Austin, Texas 78751
More at the Facebook Event page
I’ll be giving a brief talk at both events, and then a reading from the collected essays on the nature of capitalism, role of the State in creating and propping it up, the place of mutual exchange and individual ownership in a radical, bottom-up alternative, the radical possibilities of freed-market social activism, and the individualist and mutualist tendencies within the anticapitalist tradition. Q&A, discussion and book-signing will ensue.
Many, many thanks are due to Crystal of the Austin / Central Texas A.L.L., for suggesting and organizing both of these events. And many thanks also to the spaces that have generously agreed to host us. Brave New Books is an underground radical libertarian bookstore, located one block from the University of Texas. In addition to fiction and nonfiction about a wide variety of topics, they also host community events including film showings, community meetings, music, speakers, book signings, and more.
MonkeyWrench Books is an all volunteer, collectively-run radical bookstore in North Austin. They provide an extensive collection of radical literature and media, prioritizing books, magazines, movies and zines that you won’t find at your average corporate bookstore; they also provide a place for meetings, film screenings, workshops, benefits, book readings and performances. The store facilitates greater interaction among individuals and organizations working toward social and economic justice. It’s a place where both experienced organizers and people new to political activism can find support, information, and a range of progressive viewpoints. It’s also a relaxed space to network and make connections over a cup of organic coffee or tea.
I’ll see you there!
Discussed at dallas.libertarianleft.org /#
Event: Charles Johnson to Speak in Austin on Feb. 4 & 5 | DFW Alliance of the Libertarian Left:
Discussed at radgeek.com /#
Rad Geek People's Daily 2012-02-03 – Markets Not Capitalism on tour!: