Into the Briar Patch
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 12 years ago, in 2013, on the World Wide Web.
Subject line and opening message from a recent fundraising e-mail sent out by Joe Arpaio, Sheriff of Maricopa County and Vaquero Supreme of the High Sonoran Desert, who is campaigning to keep himself in office in spite of an upcoming recall referendum. Apparently being circulated this month through conservative mailing lists:
From: Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Sent: Friday, March 22 2013
Subject: Sheriff Joe Arpaio can’t continue to fight without your immediate helpI normally do not write you emails this personal — but today I’m making an exception.
We are in trouble. . . .
And while I will never give up the fight for justice and to protect American citizens… I can’t continue to fight without your immediate help.
Oh lordy, how I hope that could be true. I would never be happier to stand right by and keep my immediate help exactly where it is.
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