“If Proudhon’s predictions regarding peace remain unfulfilled, perhaps it is because we have scorned anarchic means….”
Shared Article from Reason.com
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's most controversial book has finally been fully translated into English.
Shawn Wilbur @ reason.com
The publication of a complete English translation of War and Peace allows us to move beyond the rumors that have accumulated around it and decide on our own what sort of book it is. Very little about that task is simple….
— Shawn Wilbur, An Anarchist’s Guide to War
Review of War and Peace: On the Principle and Constitution of the Right of Peoples by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, edited by Alex Prichard and translated by Paul Sharkey
Reason, May 2023
AK Press has released a complete English translation of Proudhon’s monumental late work War and Peace (1861), translated by Paul Sharkey and Alex Prichard. Shawn Wilbur reviews the book and the new translation for Reason.
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