An average mazing of mistakes, / The kind that everybody makes / Set random intervals apart.
By A.E. Stallings, from POETRY (May 2020); recently featured on Poetry Foundation’s Audio Poem of the day podcast.
To build a labyrinth it takes
A twisted mind, a puzzled art,
A fractal branching of mistakes.Drag out the shovels and the rakes,
The spirit level, sacred chart.
To build a labyrinth it takesShadows, stones, a way that snakes
And ladders to its shaky start;
An average mazing of mistakes,The kind that everybody makes,
Set random intervals apart.
To build a labyrinth it takesDead ends that seem like lucky breaks,
The paths of bats that weave and dart
Through limestone caverns of mistakes.The shaken Etch A Sketch awakes
A lost child buried in its heart.
To build a labyrinth it takes
Some good intentions, some mistakes.— A.E. Stallings (2020)
Daedal, in POETRY (May 2020)
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