Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

Separation as Political Sadism

From Greg Hadley, Trump administration considering separating immigrant parents from children at border, reports say, Sacramento Bee, March 3, 2017.

In an attempt to deter parents thinking of illegally entering the U.S. with their children, the Department of Homeland Security is considering a proposal that would separate adults and children who cross the southern border together, according to multiple media reports.

News of the policy, which is still being considered by department officials, was first reported Friday by Reuters, who spoke to three government sources, and later confirmed by CNN and MSNBC.

Such a policy move would mark a significant change in immigration enforcement, as families are currently kept together and released until their court date, according to MSNBC. . . . The new policy would mean that adults are kept in custody instead of being released, while children will be placed in the care of the Department of Health and Human Services, before they are placed with a relative or state-sponsored guardian, per Reuters. … **We are trying to find ways to deter the use of children in illegal immigration, the official said. We are seeing kids essentially kidnapped and used to get here and stay.

All border controls are violent, and all border enforcement policies are awful. What distinguishes this — if La Migra attempts to go through with it — is the sheer malice. This idea serves no conceivable rational purpose other than deliberate cruelty, and pure political sadism, using the lives and emotions of children and taking them as hostages to punish their parents. The administration’s explicit theory is that the prospect this kind of deliberate cruelty to children might “deter” their parents. That is wrong. It’s not foolish, or mistaken, or ill-conceived. This proposed policy is, flatly, unspeakably evil.

Shared Article from sacbee

Trump administration considering separating immigrant parents fr…

Reuters and CNN say the Department of Homeland Security is considering a proposal aimed at deterring immigrants with children from entering the countr…


StopDeportation #AbolishICE #NiFronterasNiSuPincheMuro

Advertising Olé

Look, hate all you want on commercial advertising,[1] but if you think that there’s no productive economic function served by alerting me — alerting me through social media advertising, on Zuckerworld, no less — to the fact that I can easily get HEB to ship me this in Alabama from their online store, then I’m sorry, you’re wrong about that. You have no idea how much happier this made my morning.

  1. [1]No, really, it’s fine, go ahead. There’s been no more thoroughly and utterly mainstream a pastime in American intellectual life for the last 70-odd years; don’t worry, you’re on pretty safe ground here.

Break the law

J L Tierney

The people who sheltered Jews in hidden rooms and attics and basements during the Holocaust were breaking the law. The people who smuggled 7,000 Jews out of Denmark were breaking the law. Schindler was breaking the law. The Underground Railroad broke the law. Harriet Tubman broke the law. MLK broke the law. Hell, the fucking Boston Tea Party broke the law.

If saving friends and family of innocent people is breaking the law, break the law. If standing up for truth and justice is breaking the law, break the law.

The law is unjust. The law is morally wrong. Break the fucking law.

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