Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

Posts tagged Dominik Hennig


Here’s an e-mail I received in my inbox yesterday, thanks to the actions of one of my market Anarchist friends on Facebook:

From: Facebook
To: Charles Johnson
Date: 05/04/2010 12:57 PM
Subject: Dominik Hennig suggested you become a fan of Omnipotent Government, by Ludwig von Mises…

Dominik became a fan of Omnipotent Government, by Ludwig von Mises on Facebook and suggested you become a fan too.

To see more details and confirm this invitation, follow the link below: . . .

The Facebook Team


I like Ludwig von Mises alright, but, man, I’m not going to sign on as a fan of omnipotent government, no matter who’s in charge.

If you’re not getting the amphiboly, this may help.

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