Wednesday Lazy Linking
rechelon on “With agorist friends like these, who needs class politics?” or “Yo dude, I’ll trade you some land for a pack of smokes!” what's new online! (2010-07-12).
If we're going for that kind of snide visual humor, a part of me has always wanted to take a photo of a fat dude in a han solo costume and macro it: "Agorism: Your pot dealer thinks he's Han Solo."
(Linked Tuesday 2010-07-13.)Police Violence Caught on Tape? Videographers Jailed. (2010-07-13).
In the early 1990s, video emerged out of Los Angeles showing a mob of police officers beating a black man, Rodney King, who was clearly subdued by their power. That was a wake-up call to the nation–particularly white people–that "officer-friendly Mayberry" has never existed for black people. The shocking footage…
(Linked Tuesday 2010-07-13.)Netflix Tries to Fix One Part of the Patent System – Updated. Groklaw (2010-07-11).
There’s a very interesting case, Media Queue v. Netflix, where Netflix is asking the Federal Circuit to revisit the standard for awarding attorneys’ fees. Here’s their appeal brief [PDF]. It would like the court to create parity between plaintiffs and defendants. Right now, the system tilts to help plaintiffs recover…
(Linked Tuesday 2010-07-13.)