By the way, the most outrageous thing about the original self-indulgent marketing crusade is the way they are cynically exploiting the name of Take Back the Night, the world’s oldest and most powerful women’s demonstration against sexual violence. Not to mention the kitschy, self-conscious appropriation of jargon and logos from women’s liberation and other liberation movements to hawk their marketing wares, which sometimes gets so absurd as to defy parody:
As Netizens, we hold certain truths to be self-evident: that the Internet was
created and endowed by its Creator with certain unalienable Rights, chief
among these: free Access to uncensored Content, the ability to Shop
wherever and whenever one chooses and
the general pursuit of e-Happiness.
First Revolution
became an e-business trade magazine; now we are taking back the Net. And who is we
A: An Internet media publisher based in San Francisco best known for its
weekly ICONOCAST e-marketing newsletter read by
50,000 senior-level marketing executives.
Q: Who is Michael Tchong?
A: Editor and founder of ICONOCAST, Michael is a well-known commentator
on Internet marketing and advertising, with more than 20 years of advertising, publishing and software development experience.
He is also the founder of MacWEEK magazine.
Oh yeah. All power to the people.