Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

The Rape of Men in Prison, Confederate Revisionism and a Good Left/Progressive Rag from Texas A&M

Here's a pretty old legacy post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 24 years ago, in 2001, on the World Wide Web.

Jason Mallory, an awesome boy from Fort Worth that I met at Southern Girls Convention, tipped me off to a Left/Progressive journal in Bryan/College Station (home of Texas A&M) that published a good article of his on the rape of men in prison. I was doubly pleased to read the rest of Touchstone and find an article once again blasting the historical and political attempts to whitewash the Confederacy and pretend like the Civil War had nothing much to do with slavery. (It was all about states’ rights! States’ rights to… to… to have states’ rights!)

For further reading:

  • GT 5/28/2001 More on pro-Confederate revisionism and the Confederate constitution
  • 3/16/2001 Anti-Southern Bigotry and Elitist Yankee Faux Liberals

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