Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #10
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 17 years ago, in 2008, on the World Wide Web.
It’s Sunday again.
So, what did you all write about this week? Leave a link and a short description for your post in the comments.
David Z /#
all of our productivity is wasted
violence and vandalism are not solutions
Francois Tremblay /#
I’ve been writing about love, esp. as regards to its social and political properties. My latest entry is about the true self, seat of love.
Mike Gogulski /#
I’ve been pretty busy with other things throughout the week. Looking back I guess the most substantial thing I did on my own site was this:
Meanwhile, Francois splattered me all over his place: :)
Darian /#
A short piece on urban crime and its potential challenges and solutions.
shiva /#
I just finished writing (what was meant to be, although i think it falls a bit short of being) a summation of my libertarian ethics, here…
Input from more knowledgeable libertarian theory bloggers would be very welcome, especially in regard to anything that looks like a glaring inconsistency to anyone…
John Markley /#
I wrote an article at Strike the Root about the instability of “limited” government and a blog post on gun control.