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Gynocide: violence against women in prostitution in Las Vegas

Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 17 years ago, in 2008, on the World Wide Web.

LAS VEGAS — Las Vegas police said there may be more victims in a string of slayings of Las Vegas prostitutes whose bodies were found along highways.

Police Detective Larry Hanna is asking police in other areas to check for cases similar to those of four young women with ties to Las Vegas.

The body parts of three of the women have been found off of highways in Las Vegas, California and Illinois, and a fourth woman who matches the descriptions of the others is missing.

Hanna said the women could have been slain by the same person, possibly a truck driver, because of the proximity of the women to major highways.

— KVVU Las Vegas News (2008-11-17): Police Say Slayings May Be Linked

This year, please remember that December 17th is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

See also:

4 replies to Gynocide: violence against women in prostitution in Las Vegas Use a feed to Follow replies to this article · TrackBack URI

  1. "Nick Manley" - The Curious "Deviant"

    How do you keep following this stuff day after day? I wonder that about myself sometimes, but I like to be informed too.

  2. "Nick Manley" - The Curious "Deviant"

    It just seems so constantly disheartening. It takes quite a toll on a wonderfully in tune sensitive person like Arthur Silber.

· December 2008 ·

  1. Discussed at radgeek.com

    Rad Geek People’s Daily 2008-12-17 – December 17th is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers:

    […] down in the streets. But roving madmen come in a lot of shapes and sizes and uniforms. It may be a serial killer. But it may be a pimp. Or a trafficker. Or a john who imagines that paying for sex means he owns a […]

— 2012 —

  1. Discussed at radgeek.com

    Rad Geek People's Daily 2012-12-17 – December 17th is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers:

    […] down in the streets. But roving madmen come in a lot of shapes and sizes and uniforms. It may be a serial killer. But it may be a pimp. Or a trafficker. Or a john who imagines that paying for sex means he owns a […]

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