Friday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 15 years ago, in 2010, on the World Wide Web.
- Floor Fees and Thick Libertarianism. Gary Chartier, link: – Google Blog Search (2010-02-21).
Readers of this blog, especially those who have long since concluded that partisan politics is useless or worse, can be pardoned if they’ve avoided reading about or participating in the ongoing dispute over the tentative decision to …
(Linked Wednesday 2010-02-24.) - Anti-statism: What about the poor and disabled? Brad Spangler, (2010-02-24).
A correspondent asks: Can you lead me to info on where Ron Paul stands on the disabled and the poor? No hurry. I'm at the embryonic end of my journey on learning about Anarchism and its branches. I don't support electing Ron Paul or anybody else. There's a similarity of…
(Linked Thursday 2010-02-25.) - Quoted: Wired Magazine on How to Raise Racist Kids. Thea Lim, Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture (2010-02-24).
By Deputy Editor Thea Lim From How to Raise Racist Kids by Jonathan Liu: Step One: Don't talk about race. Don't point out skin color. Be "color blind." Step Two: Actually, that's it. There is no Step Two. Congratulations! Your children are well on their way to believing that <insert…
(Linked Thursday 2010-02-25.) - Looking Forward To Liberty. Darian Worden, Center for a Stateless Society (2010-02-18).
When people focus too much on icons of the past – like a famous Tea Party – the lessons that history contains become obscured. People who believe they are against government power can be led into supporting more power if they don't look for alternatives to rulers. George Santayana warned…
(Linked Thursday 2010-02-25.) - PeTA's Worst Dressed for 2010: An Exercise In Shame. Womanist Musings (2010-02-25). Here we go again. PeTA moves on from their usual violent misogyny to demonstrate something about intersectionality — by adding not only misogyny, but also some nasty racism into the mix. (Linked Thursday 2010-02-25.)
- How to Start Doing Agorism. George Donnelly, Anarchoblogs (2010-02-09).
The million-dollar question – how do we start doing agorism? We're convinced the right way out of this tyrannous morass is to starve the bastards out by trading outside of their purview. We're giving up on voting in their sham elections. We're tired of begging them for relief from their…
(Linked Thursday 2010-02-25.) - Don't Call It a 'Defense' Budget. Views (2010-02-25). “The new budget from the White House will push U.S. military spending well above $2 billion a day.” Thank God we elected Obama to stop the wars and bring the troops home. (Linked Thursday 2010-02-25.)
- Why I'll Never Have Kids, Part MMMCCXVIII. Ravings of a Feral Genius (2010-02-25). In which a gang of Fertility Cult doctors use a court order to imprison a 26-year-old woman against her will and force her to undergo unwanted treatments to “preserve the life and health of [her] unborn child.” (Linked Thursday 2010-02-25.)
I wouldn’t mind if Ron Paul were elected. Obama has proven himself to be as big a criminal as Bush.