Monday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 15 years ago, in 2010, on the World Wide Web.
Turns out a lot of men look forward to the oops pregnancy. – we are the public option (2010-03-26).
by Amanda Marcotte I know I've been writing a lot about reproductive rights and sexual health issues, but the stories I want to comment on seem to be increasing lately. As someone who writes a lot about these issues, I've noticed something interesting over the years about the feedback I…
(Linked Friday 2010-03-26.)ACORN’s Original Sin. Jesse Walker, Jesse Walker: Reason Magazine articles and blog posts. (2010-03-26).
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, better known as ACORN, will shut its doors as a national operation next week. A wellspring of activism for four decades, the left-wing group has gotten more attention lately for a series of scandals, from an embarrassing embezzlement case at the top…
(Linked Saturday 2010-03-27.)Zomia, the 100 million strong stateless society that's been evading states for 2000 years. Cal, Everyone's Blog Posts – FR33 Agents (2010-03-19). Yale anthropoligst James C. Scott, author of The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia, describes the history of Zomia. Also, read about it here:
(Linked Saturday 2010-03-27.)Shakesville: The Terrible Bargain We Have Regretfully Struck. (2010-03-28). On hate, love, misogyny and trust. (Linked Sunday 2010-03-28.)
Paying for school on $2 a day. Aid Watch (2010-03-28). Countereducation in action in rural villages and urban slums in India, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and China. “Aid agency officials and local government administrators did not receive the news warmly. Most flat out denied that such schools existed. Even if they dod exist, said the experts, they can’t possibly be any good. … The most surprising thing to those of us who harbor prejudices (hidden even to ourselves?) that illiterate, unschooled parents can't possibly know more than education experts, is that these parents were making smart, informed decisions. Not that the private schools were perfect—far from it: … But Tooley found that in low-cost private schools, across the board, classroom sizes were smaller, and teachers were much more likely to be found teaching during an unannounced visit. They are also achieving better results: the students in private schools outperformed their public school peers in nearly every subject they were tested in.” (Linked Sunday 2010-03-28.)
Darwin 'CCTV perve' cop keeps job – Ninemsn. Nation – Google News (2010-03-29). Men in Uniform (cont’d) / Police accountability (cont’d) (Linked Monday 2010-03-29.)
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