Monday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 15 years ago, in 2010, on the World Wide Web.
rechelon on “If you want to live as a communist and I enjoy markets, can’t we both respect each other’s autonomy? If your experiment works better than mine, I’m willing to come over. If mine is better, maybe you’ll pop in. what's new online! (2010-04-13).
Ignoring birthright, which I more or less consider a non-issue because I'm so hardcore anti-hierarchy I'm opposed to any sociological role of parents (separate discussion), I would say while it would be insane to assume that we start out from anything other than sharing — it would likewise be insane…
(Linked Saturday 2010-04-17.)Is Capitalism Something Good? Sheldon Richman, The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty (2010-04-16).
Earlier this week I attended the annual meeting of the Association of Private Enterprise Education in Las Vegas to participate in a panel with the intriguing title "Free-Market Anti-Capitalism?" Organized by Roderick Long of Auburn University, the panel also included TheFreemanOnline columnist Steven Horwitz of St. Lawrence University, Gary Chartier…
(Linked Saturday 2010-04-17.)THE FIGHTIN' SIDE OF TEA: We've seen two serious surveys of Tea. Jesse, The Perpetual Three-Dot Column (2010-04-16).
THE FIGHTIN' SIDE OF TEA: We've seen two serious surveys of Tea Party opinion recently, one from the Winston Group and one from CBS and The New York Times. They certainly aren't the last word on the subject, and there's still a lot to be learned about a movement whose…
(Linked Saturday 2010-04-17.)The Work of Nations. the Medium Lobster, Fafblog (2010-04-05).
We are at war with Pakistan, bombing and killing thousands of people who might otherwise object to our war with Pakistan, which is urgent and vital and necessary to secure the success of our war with Afghanistan, in which we are bombing and killing thousands of people who might otherwise…
(Linked Saturday 2010-04-17.)
That anarchism discussion thread is reminding me why I still hate communists.