Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

Rad Geek answers your questions (Cont’d)

Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 15 years ago, in 2010, on the World Wide Web.

Received in my e-mail inbox this past Monday, from someone who has not yet learned that half of all human decency in political thinking is just learning to keep your personal pronouns straight.

From: fuck you
To: AnarchistCafe.org working group
Subject: Message for AnarchistCafe.org working group
Date: 05/03/2010 09:47 AM

You fuckers started a riot in Santa Cruz!!! Why would you have a site like this???? You cased tens of thousands of dollars in damage!

In order:

  1. No, I didn’t.

  2. Because some people evidently don’t understand the ideas of Anarchism or what Anarchism stands for as a social movement. So, I think it’s cool for Anarchists, and people curious about Anarchism, to have places where they can meet each other in an informal environment and talk about what anarchy might mean.

    That, or I’m trying to make it easier for people to organize riots in Santa Cruz, California. You decide.

  3. No, I’m pretty sure I didn’t.

I’m sorry to hear that rioters smashed up some stores in downtown Santa Cruz and spray-painted some circle-As around the place. But I, fucker that I may be, had nothing in particular to do with that. Neither, incidentally, did most Anarchists in and around Santa Cruz. Some Anarchists believe in street riots as a worthwhile tactic for social transformation; others don’t. In any case, those who want to holler about property damage ought to holler at the individual people who went out and committed it, not at any random stranger who happens to wear the same symbols or read the same books.

Anyway, Comrade You did not provide an e-mail address with the message, so I can’t reply directly. However, they seem to have written me because they had me confused with the SubRosa Cafe in Santa Cruz — which is currently being bearing the brunt of an increasingly nasty campaign of black-baiting, scapegoating, harassment, and direct threats from local Chamber of Commerce types, based solely on their political beliefs, on the assumption that, since they are part of the International Trotskyist-Anarchist Conspiracy, the riot is obviously their fault, even though they had nothing to do with it. In light of which I can only say that I regret that I have no affiliation with the fine folks behind such a wonderful community space. However, the message did inspire me to add a new Spaces section to the AnarchistCafe.org website, where I’m happy to include a listing for the SubRosa project. If you’re in the Bay Area, I encourage you to drop in and show your support. The SubRosa organizers also have a list of Ideas for creating a supportive atmosphere in Santa Cruz.

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  1. Wes

    You didn’t know us YET. But now you do. I’m Wes. I’m a SubRosa collective member, and right about now as I’m receiving death threats, it is nice to connect with another person who understand anarchism deeper than the Merriam-Webster dictionaries definition as chaos, fellow rad geek, and person who likes building good stuff.

    I hope we have lots of chances to connect in the future.

  2. Discussed at radgeek.com

    Rad Geek People’s Daily 2010-05-06 – The Black Scare in Santa Cruz:

    […] GT 2010-05-06: Rad Geek answers your questions (Cont’d) […]

  3. Discussed at radgeek.com

    Rad Geek People’s Daily 2010-05-22 – Four armed deputies nosing around at SubRosa:

    […] raid on SubRosa Cafe, the Anarchist space in Santa Cruz that has been black-baited and scapegoated over the past month for a riot they had nothing in particular to do with. The situation in Santa […]

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