Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

Posts from May 2010

Wednesday Lazy Linking

  • If the TSA Were Running New York. John Gruber, Daring Fireball (2010-05-03). James Fallows: All vans or SUVs headed into Midtown Manhattan would have to stop and have their contents inspected. If any vehicle seemed for any reason to have escaped inspection, Midtown in its entirety would be evacuated. And: The point of terrorism is not to "destroy." It is to terrify…. (Linked Tuesday 2010-05-04.)


Here’s an e-mail I received in my inbox yesterday, thanks to the actions of one of my market Anarchist friends on Facebook:

From: Facebook
To: Charles Johnson
Date: 05/04/2010 12:57 PM
Subject: Dominik Hennig suggested you become a fan of Omnipotent Government, by Ludwig von Mises…

Dominik became a fan of Omnipotent Government, by Ludwig von Mises on Facebook and suggested you become a fan too.

To see more details and confirm this invitation, follow the link below: . . .

The Facebook Team


I like Ludwig von Mises alright, but, man, I’m not going to sign on as a fan of omnipotent government, no matter who’s in charge.

If you’re not getting the amphiboly, this may help.

“That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

The State In Action. Austro-Athenian Empire (2010-05-04):

Forty years ago today, Ohio National Guardsmen murdered four unarmed students at Kent State and wounded nine others, permanently paralysing one. (CHT Making Light for the reminder.) The students' crime? Protesting the invasion of Cambodia (or, in some cases, walking nearby while others were protesting it). "That is government; that…

Monday Lazy Linking

Hardy Har Har (cont’d)

Funny Man. Austro-Athenian Empire (2010-05-02):

Among our President Incarnate's various witticisms at tonight's White House Correspondents' dinner was this gem: The Jonas Brothers are here; they're out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans; but boys, don't get any ideas. Two words for you: predator drones. You will never see it coming. You think…

In which our Peace President Warrior-in-Chief makes a little funny.

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