Friday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 14 years ago, in 2011, on the World Wide Web.
What I want from a restaurant website. Matthew Inman, The Oatmeal – Comics, Quizzes, & Stories (2011-02-08).
A list of things I’d like restaurant websites to provide.View
(Linked Wednesday 2011-02-09.)Tesla Predicts the Portable TV (1926) Matt Novak, Paleofuture Blog (2011-02-07).
In 1926 Nicola Tesla gave an interview to Collier’s Weekly in which he predicted something that sounds remarkably like portable television. Perhaps most interestingly, he mentions that this technology would be used to watch war unfold, “just as though we were present.” NEW YORK, Jan 25 – (AP) – Application…
(Linked Wednesday 2011-02-09.)Kindlebility. Phil, (2011-02-05).
In my attempts to find better ways of getting long-form content onto my Kindle to read offline, I've mainly been using two tools: Instapaper and the Later On Kindle Chrome extension. Instapaper has great formatting, and repeated delivery works like a new issue of a periodical, but as far as…
(Linked Wednesday 2011-02-09.)Breaking the Web with hash-bangs. Isofarro, isolani: weblog (2011-02-08).
Update 10 Feb 2011: Tim Bray has written a much shorter, clearer and less technical explanation of the broken use of hash-bangs URLs. I thoroughly recommend reading and referencing it. Update 11 Feb 2011: Another very insightful (and balanced) response, this from Ben Ward (Hash, Bang, Wallop.) , great job…
(Linked Wednesday 2011-02-09.)i'll tell you why the obama admin is shitting bricks right at. Captain Capitulation, eye of the storm (2011-02-10).
i'll tell you why the obama admin is shitting bricks right at this moment. they were hoping to preserve the whole damn thing – the military and intelligence establishments, the basic control of the population – minus mubarak, as politicians the world over like to believe that swapping symbols or…
(Linked Thursday 2011-02-10.)Which Government Employees Cause More Harm: Docs or Cops? cherylcline, der Blaustrumpf (2011-02-08).
Robin Hanson's post today, "How Med Harms," prompts me to ask whether docs or cops cause more harm and death. Cops are a favorite target of liberals, anarchists, and some libertarians: they're of moderate status, usually of average intelligence, and they're heavily and conspicuously armed in a country that equates…
(Linked Thursday 2011-02-10.)Chamber of Corporatism. Jesse Walker, Jesse Walker: Reason Magazine articles and blog posts. (2011-02-07).
President Obama will be speaking today at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Tim Carney comments: This visit will spur a slew of articles on how Obama is "tacking to the center," becoming more "pro-business," and "mending relationships." This will mostly be bunk. The president is still selling the same Big…
(Linked Thursday 2011-02-10.)Stuck in the Middle. Dorothy, Cat and Girl (2011-02-10). (Linked Friday 2011-02-11.)
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