Wednesday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 14 years ago, in 2011, on the World Wide Web.
The Book Surgeon (15 pieces) – My Modern Metropolis. (2011-03-14). This man is both insane and awesome at the same time. (Linked Monday 2011-03-14.)
Comment on Cordial and Sanguine by JOR. JOR, Comments for Austro-Athenian Empire (2011-03-13).
Liberaltarianism is certainly the least compelling and least interesting form of left-libertarianism. It's like the Bob Barr/Wayne Allen Root wing of the libertarian left.
(Linked Monday 2011-03-14.)<3. Human Iterations » <3 (2011-03-14). This is from a preface to a book I am editing with Gary Chartier. Appearing… soon? More anon. (Linked Monday 2011-03-14.)
Modesto Junior College Passes Massive Cuts as Madison's Capitol is Retaken. lilprole, Modesto Anarcho (2011-03-12).
Adam Golub, student rep on Board.Voted “yes” to budget cuts.On Wednesday night, the Board of Trustees of the YCCD system passed unanimously, (not even the 'student representative' voted no), sweeping budget cuts which will lay-off staff, gut departments, and shut down entire programs. At one point a veteran in full military garb, angry…
(Linked Tuesday 2011-03-15.)
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