Friday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 14 years ago, in 2011, on the World Wide Web.
Humanitarians of the Year. the Medium Lobster, Fafblog (2011-03-23).
Freedom! If there's one thing America loves, it's… well, war. But if there's two things America loves, it's war and torture. But if there's three things America loves, it's war, torture, and genocide. But if there are several dozen things America loves, they are war, torture, genocide, chattel slavery, apartheid,…
(Linked Wednesday 2011-03-23.)rechelon on At the end of the day who the fuck cares if Intellectual Property encourages creativity or not? Censorship is censorship, full stop. You don’t get to own my thoughts, experiences, memories or communications. reddit: the voice of the internet — news before it happens (2011-03-16).
**My right to the integrity of my own thoughts is not something you ever had the authority to "*grant*" me.** Autonomy means nothing if not the freedom to construct, share and express my thoughts (information) however the fuck I like. Even if you "totally had that thought first". You can't…
(Linked Wednesday 2011-03-23.)Michigan votes against illegal fetus chompers. bfp, flip flopping joy (2011-03-22).
Things can always get worse in Michigan. We have one of the chronically worst economies in the US. Most people who have jobs are working two and three part time jobs rather than one stable full time job with benefits. Unemployment is soaring. There's next to no economic investment and…
(Linked Thursday 2011-03-24.)This Only Seems Bad. cherylcline, der Blaustrumpf (2011-03-08).
President Obama today issued an executive order that permits ongoing indefinite detention of Guantánamo detainees while establishing a periodic administrative review process for them. The administration also announced it will lift the ban on bringing new military commissions charges against detainees that don't already have ongoing cases in the substandard…
(Linked Thursday 2011-03-24.)UN Authorizes War. Sheldon Richman, Free Association (2011-03-17).
“He who mounts a wild elephant goes where the wild elephant goes.”I thought of those words of Randolph Bourne, the Progressive who became disillusioned by his fellow Progressives’ enthusiasm for U.S. entry into World War I, when I heard that the UN Security Council, led by the Obama administration, voted…
(Linked Thursday 2011-03-24.)Godzilla vs. Real Life. Jesse Walker, Jesse Walker: Reason Magazine articles and blog posts. (2011-03-11).
The word "Godzilla" was trending on Twitter this morning, as an army of would-be wits reacted to the catastrophe in Japan with identical wisecracks. The joke is dumb and tasteless. But it's actually worth taking a moment to think about Godzilla right now, because what happened last night illustrates an important…
(Linked Thursday 2011-03-24.)The Rasta Man vs. the State. Jesse Walker, Jesse Walker: Reason Magazine articles and blog posts. (2011-03-15).
Joseph Diliberti — identified by the L.A. Times as a "veteran, Rastafarian, flutist and iconoclast" — is locked in a battle with the government over some weeds. No, not the kind of weed you're thinking of. Tony Perry of the Times reports: What started out in 2004 as a $27,000…
(Linked Thursday 2011-03-24.)did you see what i did there with Machine of Death? I BELIEVE THAT IS CALLED “SYNERGY” Dinosaur Comics (2011-03-25).
archive – contact – sexy exciting merchandise – cute – search – about!!!@@e2;2020;90; previousMarch 25th, 2011nextMarch 25th, 2011: As always when I mention specific dates or people in the comic, they’re dinosaur versions: dinosaur 17th century, dinosaur Titanic (scaled up to fit dinosaurs), dinosaur sleeping beauties; it’s hard to imagine…
(Linked Friday 2011-03-25.)VeriFone Must Be Scared Shitless About Square. John Gruber, Daring Fireball (2011-03-09).
VeriFone, a large payment processing corporation, has launched a full-on hit job against Square: Today is a wake-up call to consumers and the payments industry. Last year, a start-up named Square introduced a credit card reader for smartphones with the goal of making it very easy for anyone to accept…
(Linked Friday 2011-03-25.)
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