What you mean “We”?
Here's a pretty old legacy post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 21 years ago, in 2004, on the World Wide Web.
Here are the facts as we know them.
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld, and several other senior government officials in the U.S. and U.K. told us that Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq had large stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. They told us that they were actively trying to find nuclear weapons. They told us that they had connections with the al-Qaeda terrorist network, and that therefore Iraq posed an imminent threat to the security of the United States. Therefore pre-emptive war was necessary, and nothing short of regime change
would do.
They lied. When Ambassador Joe Wilson told them that their evidence for claiming that Saddam Hussein was trying to acquire nuclear weapons was a forgery, they kept citing that completely spurious, forged evidence in public statements. When the U.S. intelligence apparatus was not giving the answers that they needed to justify their policy, they didn’t change the policy; they set up a new intelligence office to give them the answers they wanted [The Guardian]. Intelligence was cherry-picked and sexed-up and those who offered qualified or dissenting views were marginalized and went completely unmentioned in public statements [The Observer]. They had a goal, they looked for evidence to support that goal, and when they did not find good evidence they repeated evidence that they were informed repeatedly ahead of time was questionable or completely spurious evidence. And it turns out that what they claimed on nearly every point was false.
Iraq had no stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons.
Iraq had no connections with al-Qaeda.
Iraq was not any threat to the United States whatsoever.
Or, to put it another way: they are a bunch of big fat fucking liars and as a result some 600 British and American troops, and somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000 Iraqi civilians are dead.
The administration’s line now is that in spite of all of this, it was really no-one’s fault that the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom went off to war on a lie. We got it all wrong, the story goes, but from the evidence that we had in front of us, it looked pretty reasonable to us at the time. To which the obvious response is: What you mean
As Scott Ritter points out, IHT: Not everyone got it wrong on Iraq’s weapons [IHT].we,
In case you have forgotten, there were lots of people—gosh, maybe even a whole movement of people—who said that Iraq posed no imminent threat.
We showed that the administration’s case for war was based on shaky evidence, leaky-bucket arguments, politicized manipulation of data, and constantly shifting rationalizations.
We argued that there was no good reason at all to believe that there were links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda.
We also said, by the way, that the assault on Iraq would kill thousands of civilians and that it would result in a nasty, rudderless, destructive, costly, and hopeless occupation.
I am all for careful examination of the data on the table. But when the data on the table is this clear there are certain sorts of politically expedient mincing—much loved by blowhard teevee experts
and newspaper columnists—that common decency demands we put to one side.
didn’t get it wrong, Messrs. Bush and Blair and Cheney and Rumsfeld. You did. The facts are: the anti-war movment was right, and you were wrong. We told the truth, and you lied. But because you had the guns and the tanks and the bombs to do it, you unleashed this dirty war anyway. There’s no way to fudge that or qualify that or get around that, and the blood of the dead and maimed is on your hands. There is no we
about it. There’s some moral clarity for you; stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
For further reading:
- GT 1/21/2004: Mis-State of the Union
- GT 12/15/2003: Let the Bloviating Begin
- GT 12/14/2003: Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
- GT 12/03/2003: Bush The Dirty Lying Sneak
- GT 11/11/2003:
Winning The Peace
- GT 5/29/2003: Rumsfeld:
What An Awful Outcome
- GT 2/17/2003: A Thought for President’s Day
- GT 2/2/2003: War Hawks Fail To Make The Case
- GT 10/7/2002: Just Say No To War on Iraq
- GT 10/2/2002: Time To Fight For Peace
- GT 9/24/2002: Al Gore the Peacenik?
- GT 9/21/2002: Unelected Government of Rogue Nation Threatens World Security, Part II
- GT 9/18/2002: Think Locally, Act Globally
- GT 9/9/2002: Right-wing Moral Clarity
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