No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter…. (#2)
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 17 years ago, in 2008, on the World Wide Web.

From the Arkansas Tactical Officers Association
and the North Little Rock Police Department:
The ATOA would like to announce:
Warrior Mindsetis a class being offered by the North Little Rock Police Department. Taught by Dr. Jason Winkle, It is an opportunity to train with one of the most sought after tactical trainers in the country. Class includes topics (but is not limited to topics) on fear management, decision making, emotional survival, physical fitness as they pertain to law enforcement officers.
Class is designed for all officers from patrol to investigations to SWAT. This class is limited to law enforcement and military only. Proper credentials are required. It will be a state certified course and officers will receive 8 hours of credit for the course. The class will be held at the North Little Rock Police/Fire Training Facility 2400 Willow St. NLR, AR 72114. Class will run from 0800-1600 and will be offered on three different dates: May 9th, August 8th, and October 24th, 2008. Contact Officer Steve Chamness at or 771-7190 for details and registration. Slots for this class are limited.Checks should be made payable to Dr. Jason Winkle ($150.00 per officer) and sent to the North Little Rock Police Department C/O Officer Steve Chamness
2400 Willow St.
NLR, AR 72114JASON WINKLE, Ph.D. is President of the International Tactical Officers Training Association and the senior, contributing editor to SWAT Digest. ** Jason is currently a Professor at Indiana State University. **He was the former Director of Combatives for the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. Dr. Winkle has over twelve years experience working with and training members of the joint special operations community, **SWAT teams, and corrections special operation groups. ** Jason has over two decades of martial arts experience and holds black belt instructor rank in seven martial arts systems. His combat-readiness regimens have revolutionized the training approach utilized by numerous SWAT teams and military special operators. Dr. Winkle is recognized as a top international consultant in school, military, and law enforcement communities.
He has been published in the areas of tactical operations, combat readiness, warrior mindset, combat martial arts, fitness, and leadership.The class is being offered for a discounted rate with assistance from the Arkansas Tactical Officer's Association.
Here’s more of Winkle’s workshop schedule, courtesy of his Martial Concepts
[sic] website:
Dr. Winkle will be a keynote speaker as well as the MC for the XTREME CERT Special Operations Conference and Expo in Virginia from May 8-10. Dr. Winkle will be speaking on the Warrior Mindset for Corrections Officers as well as introducing his classified corrections CQB system to the US C-SOG operators.
May 15: Dr. Winkle will be presenting his Warrior Mindset workshop to the Indiana State University Police Department.
June 5: Dr. Winkle will be presenting Active Shooter Doctrine at the ITOTA’s conference on Active Shooter Doctrine In Academic Environments. The conference will be held from 0900-1500 at Indiana State University. Cost for the conference is $50. For more information contact Jason at
Here’s what he was doing last fall:
Ending the week in Florida are two 4 hour classes taught by the President of the International Tactical Officers Training Association, Doctor Jason Winkle.
Docserved as the Director of Combatives at West Point Academy and is currently an assistant professor at Indiana State. He is a contributing editor for SWAT Digest and published many times over in for his work in tactical operations, martial arts, fitness, and leadership. Doc will hold his Active Shooter class in the AM and finish the day with Warrior Mindset in High Risk Law Enforcement. Active Shooter is designed to prepare participants for the reality of violent encounters and their resolutions in high stress environments. Warrior Mindset deals in practical preparation and operation for, as well as, recovering from traumatic tactical engagement.
Here’s some of what he covers:
Louis Rapoli, a police sergeant in the School Safety Division of the New York Police Department, debriefed workshop attendees on the shooting at Virginia Tech, and explained each step that was taken by law enforcement and administrators.
A picture of Jack Bauer from the TV show 24 appeared on the screen behind him, and Rapoli said to the attendees,
When an incident like this happens, there will be no Jack Bauer to come and save your school. You're the people who are either going to prevent this from happening or be first on the scene when it does happen. You need to be prepared.If not me, then who— that's what you need to be thinking about to get your schools ready for a terrorist attack.Winkle calls this the
Warrior Mindset.
These are situations of extreme stress, extreme fear, and extreme violence, and that shuts down most people. We need to be prepared,Winkle said.The defining characteristic of a warrior — whether you're a police officer or a business owner — is your willingness to move toward danger, he said.
People are trying to run out of building, and you, as a school administrator, need to get on the PA system and call out codes for lockdown. You have to be a warrior at that moment,he said.The role of law enforcement is to move toward something that everyone else is running away from, he said.
Charles Butler, Vincennes district officer and firearms instructor for the Indiana State Excise Police [! –R.G.], attended the workshop because excise officers might be called in by state police to assist in active shooter situations, he said.
It was good to hear the warrior mindset emphasized,Butler said,and they gave good examples of training that law enforcement needs to have. An officer can never get enough training. It is the best tool a police officer can have.Winkle recommended the following guidelines for law enforcement to be successful in active shooter situations:
- Develop physical fitness and toughness through challenging, contact-driven training.
- Become familiar (and comfortable) with the physiological changes that accompany high-stress and high-fear situations.
- Become familiar with the nature of violence and be willing to use it when appropriate.
- Engage in training that is as close as possible to the actual situation, involving fear and stress.
- Internalize a code of conduct.
- Know the nature of the enemy [sic] and active shooter doctrine.
Here’s Radley Balko on the Arkansas tactical officers’
class (read the whole thing):
I'm afraid this intermingling of domestic police and military is well beyond the point of no return.
Do you feel safer now?
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Jackboots Are In This Season « Murphy’s Bye-Laws:
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Rad Geek People’s Daily 2008-05-15 – No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter… (#3):