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Posts filed under Comics

The Stupid Campaign Season Distraction

Here’s one of the funnier, and more on-point, comics that Tom Tomorrow has done lately:

Biff and Wanda are anchors on Action McNews Network.

Tonight we’ll be discussing the latest stupid campaign season distraction that we in the media keep talking about!

Why is the stupid distraction getting so much attention, rather than all the substantive issues we aren’t talking about?

Some have suggested that we in the mdia may actually bear some responsibility for the excessive attention being paid to the stupid distraction–but this is, of course, absurd!

Indeed it is, Wanda!

After all, the media did not create the stupid distraction. We’ve simply reported the facts–and provided endless hours of analysis and commentary!

That’s true, Biff! We’re not responsible for the perceived importance of the stupid distraction–

–But iff the stupid distraction is perceived as important, we have no choice but to discuss it further!

The entire process is completely out of our control! We have nothing to do with any of it!

Why–I can’t even remember how I got to the studio this morning! It’s as if my body simply brought me here of its own volition!

Why do my lips keep flapping and making these noises?

Please stop us–before we waste any more time on the stupid distraction–

which our roundtable of experts will examine in depth in just one moment!

And: is the stupid distraction nothing more than a stupid distraction? We’ll see what random people on the street think!

All that and more about the you-know-what… after these messages.

The only thing to add is to complete the thought — to remember that the campaign season itself is the stupid campaign season distraction — that the empty and idiotic rituals of party politics, the Presidential election, and electoral politics as a whole are nothing more and nothing less than a colossal and largely successful effort to eradicate serious political discourse from the culture, for months at a stretch, and to replace it with such a shoddy substitute as the discussion of shamelessly dishonest attack ads, shamelessly vacuous positive ads, the reduction of all political debate to a pair of politicos’ names joined with a forward slash, the rowdy team loyalties of the Reds against the Blues, the endless series of professional blowhards gassing about the electorate and picking over popularity polls, a series of stump speeches and a tiny handful of carefully stage-managed two-person debates between anointed would-be oligarchs. And that this idiotic distraction is the sole means by which it is determined who will wield supreme Executive power over 300,000,000 people — which in these days, according to the popular theory of the mandate, is unaccountable, unchecked, and nearly absolute over all matters regulatory, military, and indeed also legislative — for the next several years of our lives. A power which the last 8 years of continuous, unchecked, unpunished, lies, manipulation, overtly tyrannical power-grabs, and catastrophic failures, have empirically demonstrated can apparently only be checked or ended by the purely astronomical phenomenon of four revolutions about the sun. That system itself, and all the works that flow from it, richly deserves discussion, debate, and challenge. But it will never be brought under scrutiny as long as it holds sway, because the function of the system itself is to destroy serious politics, to replace it with the distraction of politicians, their personality, their power, and their parties.

Yet this colossal distraction, and all the power that attaches to and derives from the absurd spectacle, would disappear in a moment if enough of us just ignored the damn thing, if enough of us refuse to take their orders, treat the absurd spectacle of their idiotic rituals with the contemptuous silence that it so richly deserves, and create our own combinations in spite of whatever they may say.

Boycott the Matrix. It’s time to wake up.

See also:

Conservative pop culture

Well, we already knew that George W. Bush is Aragorn.

And we already knew that George W. Bush is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

So, really, why the hell not? George W. Bush is Batman, too.

I’ll refrain from commentary at this point. Because, really, what is there to say?

Working Within The System comix

In Friday’s Boondocks re-run, Huey Freeman learns a valuable lesson that certain fearless railroading rEVOLutionaries should have figured out a long time ago.

Huey: Huey Freeman, fearless revolutionary, prepares for his next mission of liberation!

Huey: Disguised as a mild-mannered census enumerator, Huey heads off to acquire sensitive information on the enemy.

Huey: Later, that information will be used to strike the final great blow to the evil system of….

Huey: Oh, forget it. There’s no way for a revolutionary to justify a government job.

Caesar: But it was a fine attempt ….

Happy Dead Prez Day.

The Conservative Mind (second Sin Fronteras edition)

The stimulus:

The response:

Do you have one for uninsured drunk illegals crashing and killing innocent Americans?

Or how about one of a drophouse packed full of endentured [sic] slaves?

Or of an illegal killing a police officer in a sanctuary city?

How about the fragile desert environment full of trash?

BTW: I love Mexican food. Just hope an illegal with a contagious disease that wasn’t screened at the border doesn’t work at my favorite restaurant. Kinda challenging to draw a cartoon of that.

Seen by searching illegal immigrant.

— 89AKurt, comment at Flickr (2008-02-08)

Just remember: they are not against immigrants. They’re just against illegal immigrants.

(Via Boiling Point Blog 2008-02-09.)

Further reading:

The only man ever to enter Parliament with honourable intentions

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t’was his intent
To blow up King and Parli’ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England’s overthrow….

Good evening, London.

I would introduce myself, but truth to tell, I do not have a name.

You can call me V.

Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves.

By doing so, they took our power.

By doing nothing, we gave it away.

We’ve seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.

In Anarchy, there is another way.

With Anarchy, from rubble comes new life, hope reinstated. They say Anarchy’s dead, but see…

Reports of my death were…

… Exaggerated.

Tomorrow, Downing Street will be destroyed, the Head reduced to ruins. An end to what has gone before.

Tonight, you must choose what comes next. Lives of our own, or a return to chains.

Choose carefully.

And so, adieu.

Anticopyright. All pages written 1996–2024 by Rad Geek. Feel free to reprint if you like it. This machine kills intellectual monopolists.