Rad Geek People's Daily

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Posts filed under Ethics

Monday Lazy Linking

Monday Lazy Linking

Monday Lazy Linking

Friday Lazy Linking

  • DarianWorden.com» Blog Archive » Against Borders Pamphlet. darianworden.com (2010-05-12). A new pamphlet, Against Borders, has been posted on libertyactivism.info. It includes a 1-page individualist anarchist view on state borders, my Center for a Stateless Society commentary Escalating the War on Freedom, a New Jersey Alliance of the Libertarian Left statement, and a Nation article by Jacqueline Stevens. Download, print,… (Linked Wednesday 2010-05-12.)

  • Serving Two Masters. Roderick, Austro-Athenian Empire (2010-05-13). According to the latest LP press release: Elena Kagan is another bad pick for the Supreme Court. If confirmed, it is likely that she will vote on cases with the intent of advancing political policy goals. Kagan will probably vote to advance liberal policy goals, just as some other justices… (Linked Thursday 2010-05-13.)

Friday Lazy Linking

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