Rad Geek People's Daily

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Whiteness studies 103: Ethnic food and authenticity

Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 17 years ago, in 2008, on the World Wide Web.

Here’s some remarks from an apparent California leftist (progressive, whatever) that I noticed at Davis Wiki while looking up some unrelated information on Chipotle’s corporate history.

The quest for authentic ethnic food is a noble one in this day and age of capitalistic homogenation. Once the corporations get ahold of a a food category, they subvert it to be as palletable (bland) as possible so people in the midwest will eat it.

Because, you see, once people in the Midwest eat something, it’s not authentic ethnic food anymore. You’ve got to remember that white people in the Midwest (Poles, Germans, Swedes, Irish, Scots, English, etc.) don’t have an authentic ethnicity; they are far too bland for all that. Only spicy, colorful people have ethnicities, let alone authentic ethnic food.

See also:

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  1. Discussed at radgeek.com

    Rad Geek People’s Daily 2008-10-10 – Whiteness studies 104: Class, cuisine, and authenticity:

    […] GT 2008-07-05: Whiteness studies 103: Ethnic food and authenticity […]

— 2012 —

  1. Discussed at radgeek.com

    Rad Geek People's Daily 2012-05-03 – Whiteness Studies 105: Discovery.:

    […] GT 2008-07-05: Whiteness studies 103: Ethnic food and authenticity […]

  2. Discussed at radgeek.com

    Rad Geek People's Daily 2012-08-17 – Whiteness Studies 106: Neutrality:

    […] Whiteness Studies 103: Ethnic food and authenticity. […]

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