Occupying forces, or: No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter… (#8)
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 16 years ago, in 2009, on the World Wide Web.
This is a photo of a bumpersticker which an observant reader recently sent to Radley Balko.

Support Our
Troops, at home and abroad
So, there you have it. All according to the Patrolman’s Benevolent [sic] Association of the City of New York, Patrick J. Lynch, President, government cops are soldiers, law enforcement is occupation, and your hometown is a battlefield. Care to guess who’ll get treated as the enemy?
Do you feel safer now?
See also:
- GT 2008-05-06: No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter...
- GT 2008-05-12: No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter... (#2)
- GT 2008-05-15: No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter... (#3)
- GT 2008-07-12: No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter... (#4)
- GT 2008-08-22: No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter… (#5)
- GT 2008-09-19: No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter… (#6)
- GT 2008-10-06: No, seriously, I could swear the water in this pot is getting a little hotter… (#7)
- GT 2008-04-28: Is it just me or is the water in this pot getting a little hotter?
- GT 2008-05-03: Truth in advertising
- GT 2008-06-05: Neighborhood Safety Ghettoes in D.C.
- GT 2008-09-25: How cops see themselves
- GT 2008-12-05: Don’t turn your back on the Wolfpack
- GT 2009-03-28: It doesn’t take much imagination.
But the robots will take our jebbbbzzz!
I’m starting to feel like all the police in the country got together to watch “The Chase” with Charlie Sheen, and didn’t realize that the cop played by Henry Rollins was being portrayed as a lunatic and not a role-model.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that on a poster in Manhattan. I’ve definitely seen handgun-toting troops in military uniforms in the train stations there. Combine that with the “ring of steel” and subway bag searches, and I’d say that NYC is on the cutting edge of the US police state.
Things are pretty bad in Manhattan. There are mass presentations downtown fairly regularly. They search people getting onto buses. They are expanding the usage of license plate, biochemical, and radiation scanners to midtown.
I have not run across the bumper sticker above but i’m in no way surprised.
There’s water in this post? Huh? :)
Circling back yet again….
“Where are we going? And why are we in this handbasket?”
Which in turn reminds me of this cartoon.
Nice one, Roderick :)
Discussed at radgeek.com /#
Rad Geek People’s Daily 2009-05-26 – Over My Shoulder #45: How Empire comes home in the form of sado-statism and police brutality. From Fred Woodworth, “Evil Empire Notes,” in The Match! # 107 (Summer, 2009):
Discussed at radgeek.com /#
Rad Geek People’s Daily 2009-05-28 – How cops see themselves (#2). National Police Memorial Week and El Monte, California.: