Wednesday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 15 years ago, in 2010, on the World Wide Web.
06/25/10 PHD comic: ‘Call for Papers!’ PHD Comics (2010-06-28).
Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham title: "Call for Papers!" – originally published 6/25/2010 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!
(Linked Monday 2010-06-28.)Robert Byrd. Radley Balko, The Agitator (2010-06-28).
So if I'm correctly reading the various tributes to Sen. Robert Byrd floating around the web this morning, I'm supposed to celebrate how the man atoned for his bigotry earlier in life by devoting the rest of his life to public service . . . where he used other people's…
(Linked Tuesday 2010-06-29.)HAMP Fails: Your Tax Money At Work. (MontyB503), Portland Housing Blog (2010-06-21).
The Obama administration’s HAMP program has proven to be an exercise in futility, and largely a waste of taxpayer dollars as only about 30% of the 5.7 million borrowers who are 60 days delinquent are eligible for the program. Of those who are eligible for the program, less than 350,000…
(Linked Tuesday 2010-06-29.)Couchsurfing: Mutual Aid 2.0. Ross Kenyon, Center for a Stateless Society (2010-06-26).
Couchsurfing epitomizes a modern and hip mutual aid society. is an online network of just under two million users which connects hosts and travelers from around the world in order to facilitate cultural exchange, provide free hospitality through local hosts, and to make the world a better place "one…
(Linked Tuesday 2010-06-29.)Thomas Sowell, on Ends and Means. Radley Balko, Hit & Run (2010-06-23).
Here’s Thomas Sowell this week, comparing Obama’s economic policy and response to the oil spill to Hitler and Lenin: With vastly expanded powers of government available at the discretion of politicians and bureaucrats, private individuals and organizations can be forced into accepting the imposition of powers that were never granted…
(Linked Wednesday 2010-06-30.)Scotland Anti-Rape Ad Tackles "She Was Asking For It" Myth. Cara, The Curvature (2010-06-29).
Trigger Warning for rape apologism. A few months back, I wrote an article for the Guardian's Comment is Free about a U.K. study, which showed a significant number of respondents thought that some rape victims were at least partially to blame for their attacks. The various reasons that respondents blamed…
(Linked Wednesday 2010-06-30.)
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