Monday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 14 years ago, in 2011, on the World Wide Web.
"Property is Theft!" book launch in London. Shawn P. Wilbur, Two-Gun Mutualism & the Golden Rule (2011-04-15).
[From Iain McKay] Freedom Bookshop is hosting the book launch of”Property is Theft! A Pierre-Joseph ProudhonAnthology”. This is the new comprehensive anthology of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s writings published by AK Press. Proudhon was the first person to call themselves an anarchist and his ideas on property, state, exploitation, workers self-management, federalism…
(Linked Saturday 2011-04-16.)Translation From MS-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Dean Hachamovitch's "Native HTML5!!!@@e2;20ac;b3; announcement. Mark, dive into mark (2011-04-15).
[Original] Browsers that use modern operating systems more directly deliver better experiences. Browsers that compromise (by spreading across too many OSes and OS versions) face challenges. We can't decide if we want IE to drive Windows adoption or Windows to drive IE adoption. The best HTML5 is native to the…
(Linked Sunday 2011-04-17.)
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