Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

Posts from 2011

Monday Lazy Linking

Friday Lazy Linking

A Sunday of Shamelessness


Everybody get Shameless.

This weekend, I’ve been splitting my time between some odd web dev jobs, a trip to-day over to the Living Without Borders encuentro to catch as much of it as I can (which is not as much as I’d like), and, other than that, a lot of time with the printed — or printing — word. I’ve been preparing a large print run of Market Anarchy zines for Lawrence’s own Pickles Not Pipe Bombs (I took the opportunity to re-typeset the innards of the pamphlet, and to design a new cover at Chris’s request); also, doing some editing work on Markets Not Capitalism; and the regular round of transcriptions for the Fair Use Repository — most recently, this hot little number by Jo Labadie from the February 23, 1895 issue of Liberty. In between, I took some time out to catch up a bit on some Oliver Sacks (rereading the opening essays on Dr. P and Jimmie G.).

And you? What have you been up to this week? Write anything? Leave a link and a short description for your post in the comments. Or fire away about anything else you might want to talk about.

Sentences I didn’t expect to read when I woke up this morning.

They include:

My alleged defects are an interest in the work of Kevin Carson and the other mutualist libertarians, and accusations that I am a national socialist.

— Sean Gabb, The Libertarian Alliance: A Plain View of What Has Happened, Free Life Commentary 203, 10th February 2011

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