Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

Posts from 2010

Wednesday Lazy Linking

Wednesday Lazy Linking

Every car set aflame is a refusal to negotiate, a blow against the teleology of anarcho-liberalism, a recognition of the radical temporality inherent in the articulation of communes.

Confronted with those who refuse to recognize themselves in our conspiracies of destruction, we offer neither sympathy nor criticism, but only our scorn. We must destroy all impotentiality–for once and for all. The pathetic passivity proposed to us is like a bad joke, and instead of laughter we respond with rupture. Our need to riot is less the setting forth of a concept than the elaboration of an event.

Leaving activism behind: Notes on social war / It is necessary commence absolutely; not to dream of new ways to make demands, but to make manifest the subterranean communes in the heart of each car set aflame. What’s needed is not impotentiality, and even far less *mobilization*, but a putting-into-practice of singular rupture, a rejection in all forms of the being of totality. In the setting forth of multiplicities, we shatter those who would have us give up the radical ecstasy of insurrection for the catastrophe of passivity. This is a call to indifference, not an insistence on fossilization of our desires.


about the authors

(Thanks to skobrin at /r/Anarchism.)

See also:

Monday Lazy Linking

Shameless Self-promotion Sunday

Hey all,

It’s Sunday; you know what that means. Sing you Shameless sinners.

I’ve been a bit quiet this weekend, even though there’s lots going on, with the Reader Question and elsewhere, that I’d like to comment on. But family is in town this weekend and I’ve been trying to clear out work in preparation for my being out of town most of next week. (L. and I are looking forward to celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary. Somewhere other than Vegas.) I’ll try to catch up on as much as I can before I leave town.

Anyway, the past week, I’ve been working on some Food Not Bombs projects, a couple of articles that I have in progress, a major new release of FeedWordPress, making steady progress on transcribing old Anarchist periodicals for the Fair Use Repository, and of course keeping up with you all here at the blog.

And you all? What have you been up to this week? Write anything? Leave a link and a short description for your post in the comments. Or fire away about anything else you might want to talk about.

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