Friday Lazy Linking
Here's a pretty old post from the blog archives of Geekery Today; it was written about 14 years ago, in 2011, on the World Wide Web.
"Sunday Schools That Teach Children Anarchy," from the New York Times (May 8, 1910) Rad Geek, Fair Use Blog (2011-02-02).
Here's some more on mass-media reception of Anarchism during the early 20th century: a strange little piece from the Sunday New York Times magazine from May 8, 1910, on Anarchist Sunday schools in New York, focusing on the Ferrer Sunday School taught by Alexander Berkman. The Sunday schools were part…
(Linked Wednesday 2011-02-02.)C4SS Appeal. Roderick, Austro-Athenian Empire (2011-02-02).
Guest Blogs by Brad Spangler and Kevin Carson C4SS 1st Quarter 2011 Fundraiser by Brad Spangler Dear Supporters of the Center for a Stateless Society, I hope everybody had a happy holiday season and has been staying warm so far this Winter. Now it's time to pay some bills ...…
(Linked Wednesday 2011-02-02.)More on the Non-Existent “War on Cops” Radley Balko, Radley Balko: Reason Magazine articles and blog posts. (2011-02-03).
In my Monday column debunking the "war on cops" meme currently working its way through the media, I noted that fatal attacks on police officer deaths have dropped pretty dramatically over the last 25-30 years. Yesterday a reader sent me a link to this mostly unfortunate discussion of the column…
(Linked Friday 2011-02-04.)Does Gandhi Deserve a Place in the Libertarian Tradition? Mises Institute Daily Articles (Full-text version) (2011-02-02).
If you abjure all violence, you must abjure the state. Thus, while not all libertarians are pacifists, all pacifists are libertarians, whether they realize it or not (and, admittedly, a great many pacifists have not realized it). Gandhi, it appears, did realize it.
(Linked Friday 2011-02-04.)
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