Rad Geek People's Daily

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Posts from 2011

Wednesday Lazy Linking

Monday Lazy Linking

Wednesday Lazy Linking

Monday Lazy Linking

Friday Lazy Linking

  • feeling really sad... bfp, flip flopping joy (2011-02-23). and shocked—like slapped in the face over the death sentence verdict in the brisenia flores trail. I can't feel even momentary joy that I then talk myself through. i never expected this death sentence. i'm from michigan. where as fucked up as things are...we don't have the death penalty. i… (Linked Thursday 2011-03-03.)

  • A Skater Reaches Out. cherylcline, der Blaustrumpf (2011-03-01). I'll have something more to say about boys' clubs at some point, but for now, I appreciate the efforts of skater Eric Muss-Barnes to get more girls into skateboarding, an activity in which women are extremely underrepresented: I'm quite disappointed that so few girls ride and they get so little… (Linked Thursday 2011-03-03.)

  • Har Har, Politicians are Prostitutes! Or Not. cherylcline, der Blaustrumpf (2011-03-02). Harry Reid's disingenuous proposal to outlaw prostitution in Nevada would only endanger prostitutes, but as usual, most commentators were more concerned with making a punchline.  From the libertarian peanut gallery, and elsewhere, you could hear men laughing uproariously at their own lousy joke:  the real prostitutes are politicians!  OMG, LOL. … (Linked Thursday 2011-03-03.)

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