Rad Geek People's Daily

official state media for a secessionist republic of one

Posts tagged unfiled

Monday Lazy Linking

  • Gratitude Attitude, Part 2. Roderick, Austro-Athenian Empire (2011-04-29). Are you sick of those t-shirts that say "If you love freedom thank a veteran"? Check out the Molinari Institute's newest t-shirt, which reads "If you love freedom thank an anarchist," thus honouring both those anarchists who've been in the forefront of struggles for freedom in the past (e.g. the… (Linked Friday 2011-04-29.)

  • The "book" is dead. Mark, dive into mark (2011-04-29). David Flanagan, author of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, writes: For 15 years I've been one of those lucky authors who has been able to support himself and his family almost entirely on book royalties. But the publishing industry has been in decline and my royalties checks have decreased more-or-less steadily… (Linked Saturday 2011-04-30.)

  • maybe i just don't understand the meaning of leadership. Captain Capitulation, eye of the storm (2011-04-29). maybe i just don't understand the meaning of leadership. obama's visit to tuscaloosa today (then off to the scuttled shuttle launch!) was a bigger story than the aftermath of the disaster. ok he was there, but the practical steps he took he took from dc last night. it's a constant… (Linked Saturday 2011-04-30.)

Monday Lazy Linking

Monday Lazy Linking

  • Tinkerer's Sunset. Mark, dive into mark (2010-01-29). When DVD Jon was arrested after breaking the CSS encryption algorithm, he was charged with "unauthorized computer trespassing." That led his lawyers to ask the obvious question, "On whose computer did he trespass?" The prosecutor's answer: "his own." If that doesn't make your heart skip a beat, you can stop… (Linked Friday 2010-01-29.)
  • Who's a Populist? LeftLibertarian2 at Yahoo! Groups (2010-01-31). Jesse Walker makes the Wall Street Journal, of all places: “Working from his two categories, we can see the outlines of two populist traditions in the U.S. The first is the populism of grass-roots groups–some on the left, some on the right, some hard to classify–that are dominated by unpaid, part-time activists rather than professional political operatives. The second is the populism of the people’s tribune, a fiery figure who acts, or claims to act, as a champion of the masses. …” (Linked Sunday 2010-01-31.)
  • Which to Choose? Fafblog (2010-02-01). Points for honesty, I suppose. (Linked Monday 2010-02-01.)

Wednesday Lazy Linking

  • Why do we have an IMG element? Mark, dive into mark (2009-11-02). On February 25, 1993, Marc Andreessen wrote: I'd like to propose a new, optional HTML tag: IMG Required argument is SRC=”url”. This names a bitmap or pixmap file for the browser to attempt to pull over the network and interpret as an image, to be embedded in the text at… (Linked Wednesday 2009-11-04.)
  • Molly'sBlog 2009-11-01 22:06:00. mollymew, Anarchoblogs in English (2009-11-01). INTERNATIONAL ANARCHIST MOVEMENT-BRAZIL: PROTEST POLICE ATTACK ON THE GA?@c3;161;CHA ANARCHIST FEDERATION: Last Thursday, October 29, police in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre broke into the headquarters of the local anarchist federation, the Federaç?@c3;a3;o Anarquista Ga?@c3;ba;cha (FAG) (Gaucha Anarchist Federation), making arrests and stealing various items of the property… (Linked Wednesday 2009-11-04.)
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